Investigating the Elementary Fourth Grade Students` Ontological Beliefs and the Textbooks of Heavenly Gifts According to the Ontological Components in the Fundamental Transformation Document

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Educational Planning, Shahid Rajaee University, Tarbiat University

3 Ph.D. student of Islamic Philosophy and Kalam, Shahid Rajaee University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the viewpoints of fourth grade students on the knowledge of God and the universe based on the ontological principles embodied in the theoretical foundations of the Fundamental Transformation Document (inspired by Mulla Sadra's theory); and   reviewing the textbook of divine gifts book for second-to-fourth-grade, in term of convergence between these foundations as well. The statistical population includes the book Theoretical Foundations of Fundamental Transformation, 2011, the second to fourth grade divinely gift books and among the fourth grade female students in the Tehran 20 district, 25 were randomly selected from non-profit and public schools. The research method is qualitative using phenomenological and contextual analysis. Content analysis was used to extract Hawking component from themes analysis and Shannon entropy method was used for content analysis data. The results disclosed that there is a consensus among students about the ontology and components of this part of the fundamental transformation document. The Shannon entropy coefficient also showed that familiarity with the attributes of God by 55 hundred, how to relate to God by 24 and referring to the blessings of God by 20 hundred, respectively, was the most important and least important in the heavenly gift books, which requires further investigation for a strong connection. Between the innumerable attributes of God and the blessings associated with these attributes, it is central to the objectivist perspective of thinking and reasoning to provide the ground for the cultivation of childhood creativity.


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