Analysis of Haji Sabzevari's Mystical Trends on the Emanation of Multiplicity from One

Document Type : Research Paper


Professor, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


This study seeks to examine the mystical view of Haji on how the multiplicity have been emanated from one unfolded being. By “al-fayd• al-aqdas,” the Sacred Effusion, the mystics mean the cognitive manifestation of things without any multiplicity in divine knowledge and by the holly emanation they mean objectifying the objective unmoved being that exist only in divine knowledge. Haji believes that the essence, the nouns and the attributes appear at Ahadiyat level (non – numerical oneness) but at Vahediyat level (numerical oneness) they are distinct. He identified the name as a noun plus an adjective, and the mystics believe that divine names are effective in generating plurality through co-operation, and contradiction. In addition, we can explain how multiplicity has been emanated from divine names through the Leading names (al- Ahematol asmah) and their adjunct and the principles of names and  their persons, on the basis of intuitive method of truth seeker.


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