From Cogito to Certainty (A Comparative Study of Certainty in Mullah Sadra` Wisdom and Cartesian Philosophy with an Emphasis on the Theological Aspect)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Philosophy of Religion and New Verbal Issues

2 Professor of Qom University

3 faculty member in research branch of the Islamic Azad University


Certainty, from the viewpoint of Mulla Sadra, is a dogmatic affirmation of a proposition corresponding to the reality; which is gained only by access to the sources and with the help of connecting to the angels and receiving the science and knowledge from them. But certainty, from Descartes's view, comes in different sense. According to him, the quality of clearness and distinction which is seen in mathematical and geometric numbers can be seen in real life. And with the same kind and degree of certainty, Descartes prove the existence of mind, God and finally the existence of corporal world. In the theology of both thinkers, God plays a central role to support the certainty. Mulla Sadra, with the existential attitude regarding the certainty, saved Cartesian certainty from pure rationalist deadlock and with the help of existential gradation of mind and its activity and creativity held the cooperation or interaction between intellectual knowledge and intuitive knowledge, and reaches the ultimate degree of certainty to knowledge by presence and intuitive knowledge.  The present paper deals with the issue of certainty with the aspects of similarity and the dissimilarities between the fundamentals and the principles of definitive discussion in the course of the thought of these two philosophers.


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