Human Soul and Its Process of Growth with an Emphasis on Sohrawardi`s Symbolic Works

Document Type : Research Paper


Allameh Tabataba`i University


For Sohrawardi, soul has been known to be a light among isfahbudiyih lights being originally from the heavenly beings having put in creative relation to body to administer it. It, therefore, has fallen from immaterial world and become captive in material world. Having become aware of itself, the soul finds its original place and tries to attain it. Soul`s turning way to its original place, the obstacles and stages in the way  led by the measured leader have been taken as the subjects of Sohrawardi`s symbolic writings. As is understood, he has regarded one`s knowledge of oneself, mental powers and the dark world as the requisite ground for the departure and acquiring knowledge and leaving earthly desires as the way of freedom and salvation. For him, in the way of mental growth, soul is of such an ability that can go beyond itself and become an intellect among intellects making those slept aware and affecting souls and material world. Sohrawardi`s psychology is interconnected with his ontological system of light. Not understanding his system of light, one never may understand the soul and its process of growth and acquiring knowledge.


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