Ontological foundations of Mystifying in Mulla Sadra's Transcendental Wisdom

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D of transcendental wisdom, Institute of humanities and cultural studies

2 associate professor of Institute of humanities and cultural studies

3 dadashi@art.ac.ir


Mystifying is a method used in various cultures and civilizations to convey various meanings such as metaphysical meanings and has a history in the field of Islamic culture and civilization. In the wisdom of Ishraqi, Suhrawardi, (Illuminative Wisdom) as well as in mystic teachings, it is possible to observe the widespread codifying. Given that the method of codifying is based on a kind of ontology, this research seeks to answer the question of whether the ontological foundations of the Transcendental philosophy of Sadra, which is one of the most prominent schools of Islamic philosophy, are consistent with the codification and can be considered as the theoretical support. If so, then what are these basics? It seems that the ontological foundations of Transcendental wisdom can be codified as a theoretical basis due to in-depth and accurate analyzes of existence. It seems ontological foundations of transcendental philosophy such as Principality and gradation of existence, reality and intangible reality, relational existence can be considered as a firm and rich basis for mystifying(codifying) because of Mulla Sadra’s deep and exact investigations about existence. These bases provide a framework in which the codifying will have a strong and rational basis, as well as an existential criterion for evaluating and recognizing the correct and rational coding.


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