The Impact of the Revealed Ontological Basis on the Design of the Utopian City: Sadra`s Perspective

Document Type : Research Paper


Lecturer and faculty member of Payame Noor University


The present study seeks to explain Sadra's utopian city by examining the foundations of Mulla Sadra's ontology based on revealed propositions. According to Sadra`s Utopian Medina, which is based on the theory of gradation of existence and the motion in essence all beings except God are in motion pursuing their evolution and perfection. On the basis of revealed legal system, human beings are moving toward evolution too. Human prosperity and development can be achieved if he is placed in the proper context, namely, the utopia. Mulla Sadra, holds that considering the best cosmological plan as the real feature of the world, it is senseless to deny the existence of best revealed legal system for human happiness and development. It means that the theory of best design as God- given natural feature of the world contains the theory of the best God- given legal system for human salvation and it is impossible to reject it. This Medina has three pillars: people, the law and the ruler. The prophet is the ruler and after the prophet the infallible Imams are the ruler of Madinah. According to Sadar`s view in absence of Imam the political leadership is not interrupted and the Hakims are charged for ruling the Muslim societies. He holds that a true jurisprudent is as the mystic and wise mystic.


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