A Critical Investigation on Per Se Existence and Per Accident Existence in Transcendent Philosophy: With Emphasizing on Javadi Amoli`s View

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD student at Shiraz university- Faculty of Theology and knowledeg- Department of Islamic philosophy

2 PHD professor at shiraz university

3 PHD associate professor at shiraz university


Existence is divided into various divisions by Muslim philosophers. Existence in itself (per se) and existence in something else (Per Accident) are considered a significant categorization on existence. This division on existence is phrased by Mulla Sadra as Rabet existence (Connective being) and independent existence (self-subsistent being). The next philosophers especially Hajj Molla Hadi Sabzavari and Allameh Tabatabaei decided to unite them. Such unification fails to be successful and makes some difficulties like joining quiddity to concepts in addition to it, many of the philosophical foundations that are in some way related to quiddity are rejected. The aim in this paper is to attempt for presenting an accurate analysis of self-subsistent existence and connective being and combine these two divisions in a consistent way. It makes some difficulties such joining quiddity to concepts and many of the philosophical foundations that are in some way related to quiddity are rejected. In this article, we try to make an accurate analysis of self-subsistent existence and connective being and combine these two divisions in a consistent way.


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