The Impacts of Substantial Motion on the Limit of Human’s Mental Desires and Wants

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD, The institute of Contemporary Hikmah for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Associate Professor, Manager of the Institute of Contemporary Hikmah for Humanities and Cultural Studies


The theory of motion substance and in another words fluidity of the world, is one the most significant theory in Mullasadra’s worldview. This belief has a vast influence and effect on our perception regarding morality and human mind. If someone believes in substantial motion, every domain of their mind will be widely impressed. This paper aims to study the impacts of belief in substantial movement on human’s mental desires and wants attempting to determine its domain with a phenomenological approach and intuitive and introspective method. Since at one hand human believes impress their feelings and emotions; and on the other hand feelings and emotions interact with beliefs and form some desires in a person, therefore, the confirmation of motion in substances creates a desire in man that the most significant of which are as follow: greedy with regard to pleasure and a sense recklessness enjoying the moments in life, in other words unwillingness and reluctance to worldly pleasures and the tendency to asceticism and a desire to adhere virtue or perfectionism.


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